Library Column for June 21, 2024

@ Your Library

Summer activities continue to happen at the library. Join us for Crafters’ Café on alternate Tuesdays (see you on June 25th) from 11 – 1, Libratory on Wednesdays at 11 am, Storytime on Thursdays at 10:30 am and Big Play on Fridays from 10:30 – noon. Next week we will also host a community history walk around the downtown core utilizing the script created by the Northland Foundation’s Age to Age local program at noon on Monday, June 24th. Tuesday, June 25th at 3:30 pm we will welcome Comic Stunt Juggler Tuey! All ages will enjoy this unusual display of juggling and physical manipulation.

Summer is also a great time to get out and explore and our new book The Observologist by Giselle Clarkson is a delightful ‘handbook for mounting very small scientific expeditions.’ Help your kids explore the tiny world of creatures, plants and fungi. Lift up those rocks, turn over that leaf, get out and observe the natural world right outside your door. A couple of other books that encourage us all to get outside and observe include The Kids Nature Book by Susan Milord with 365 inddor/outdoor activities and experiences. Temple Grandin wrote The Outdoor Scientist: the wonder of observing the natural world with 40 projects included. The Audubon Society guidebook The Practical Naturalist will help all ages explore the natural world and understand a bit of what you are seeing and exploring. Earth Almanac by Ken Keffer is ‘nature’s calendar for year-round discovery. Learn something new each day. Summer solstice is a great time to get outside as the hours of daylight are at their maximum.

Exploring with all our senses is important and A Book of Noises by Caspar Henderson invites us to use our ears better and hear the loud and quiet around us. Maybe we’ll also discover new sounds to put on our bucket lists like the quiet, rustling of the northern lights.  Wildscape: trilling chipmunks, beckoning blooms, salty butterflies, and other sensory wonders of nature by Nancy Lawson will help us understand the ways animals and plants experience their surroundings.

Sometimes wonders are so big we need a bird’s eye view to grasp what we’re seeing. Look Down and See Natural Wonders of the World by Bethany Lord provides that view for 12 amazing wonders in the natural world. Wherever your explorations take you this summer, take along a book to guide you in discovering more about what you see, hear, smell and maybe even taste.

If You Run Out of Words by Felicita Sala is a beautiful book about a young child worried that her dad might run out of words and not be able to say enough or pay enough attention to the child. The assurances are heartfelt, silly and reassuring. And kids sometimes need a lot of assurances. It is hard being a human and sometimes we forget that as adults. The Owl Who Dared by Stephanie Stansbie is an uplifting story celebrating courage and the ability to handle challenges.

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