@ Your Library
The library staff are all staying safe and anxiously anticipating the day we can re-open our doors to our community again. We hope you are staying safe and healthy and doing the things needed to stay healthy physically and mentally. In the meantime you are welcome to give us a call, send us an email or chat with us via LiveChat on our website. A single staff member will be available Monday – Friday between 9 – 4. We are still pulling books for you to borrow and meeting you at the parking lot doors with the material until you can come and browse the shelves yourselves. We are not doing a daily pull list, so if you put something on request as you have in the past, please let us know so we can check it out to you and arrange a pickup time. We are occasionally posting pictures of new books available for checkout on Facebook and Instagram.
We are excited that some of you are making use of our Library of Things and learning new things during this time of upheaval and daily changes. We still have one sewing machine available (at least one is out and being used to make face masks) and a dehydrator if you bought a few too many bananas or stocked up on fresh produce that you are having trouble using up. Or if you just need a game or puzzle to provide a distraction, please contact us and let us work with you to identify a game you might enjoy.
Looking to entertain yourself? Learn a new skill like playing the guitar or become a digital painter. Visit our website internationalfallslibrary.us/resources/consumer/, scroll to the bottom of the list of resources and click on “LinkedIn Learning.” You will be taken to a Lynda.com portal to enter your library card number and PIN. Once you have created an account you have unlimited access to thousands of hours of training on everything from business, to software to creative skills like learning to play the ukelele or improving your drawing skills.
Families as you settle in to schooling at home, contact us if you need materials. While we are limited to what is in the building, hopefully we can find something that will help you and your children thrive in this new learning environment including kits on a variety of topics.
If you haven’t completed your 2020 census form, now is a good time to do it. Many levels of funding are determined by the number of residents in our county and not being counted impacts that funding. So do your part and complete your 2020 census either online or by phone at 844-330-2020. It is especially important in light of COVID-19 and the delay in door to door canvassing by census workers. In 2010, 60% of residents completed the form without being visited by a census worker. The last time I looked at the completion data for 2020, only 25% of county addresses has completed the form.