Library Column for May 27, 2021

@ Your Library

The library was one of 67 libraries across the state selected to participate in the initial State Park Library Pass program. This program will allow us to offer two one week vehicle passes each week this summer to the state parks. Details are still coming, but should start next week. So plan to get outside and visit a state park this summer with a free parking permit.

Whew! There has been some heavy duty non-fiction released lately. I do not recommend reading all of these in a row. But reading these along with some light, fluffy titles isn’t a bad way to read.

Blood Runs Coal by Mark A. Bradley is the story of the Yablonski murders and the battle for the United Mine Workers of America. Early in the morning on New Year’s Eve in 1969 trade union insider Joseph “Jock” Yablonski along with his wife and daughter were brutally murdered. These murders triggered one of the most intensive and successful manhunts in FBI history. Read all about the case and the industrial and socioeconomic changes it wrought.

Flight of the Diamond Smugglers by Matthew Gavin Frank is a ‘tale of pigeons, obsession and greed along coastal South Africa.’ Enter Die Sperrgebiet (the forbidden zone) with the author as he investigates an illicit trade supplying a global market.

Journey outdoors in Leave It As It Is with David Gessner as he journey’s through Theodore Roosevelt’s American Wilderness. Contemplate that book and its message of conservation and environmental protection of land for all while reading Land by Simon Winchester about ‘how the hunger for ownership shaped the modern world.’ These two provide a unique counterpoint and help when also considering ‘transboundary resource management in the Lake of the Woods Watershed’ which the the new book by Jamie Benidickson called Levelling the Lake. How do we work together across national borders to sustainably maintain our lakes? This work spans a century and a half of social, economic and legal policy that harnessed and impacted life in the Lake of the Woods and Rainy Lake watersheds.

I have never been to Hong Kong, but it captured my attention when it made the news a couple of summers ago. I wasn’t sure what was happening and why. City on Fire: the fight for Hong Kong by Antony Dapiran a longtime resident takes us to the frontlines of the revolution.

I have become interested in economic theory in the last few years and I found Mutualism by Sara Horowitz an intriguing read as she explore ‘building the next economy from the ground up.’

And finally, The Zealot and the Emancipator and the Struggle for American Freedom by H.W. Brands. Books about Abraham Lincoln tend to be popular and this one is a different approach to history and the 16th president.

The library will be closed on Monday, May 31 in observance of Memorial Day. Regular summer hours resume on Tuesday, June 1. The library is open Monday – Wednesday 10 am – 8pm and Thursday – Friday 10 am – 6pm.

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