Library Column for July 30, 2020

@ Your Library

Goodness gracious, the end of July already (we just started the year) and how can it only be the end of July (this year has already lasted 2 years). Time to escape into some good reading. I am so very, very tired of dealing with the real world. I only want make-believe.

Book of the Little Axe by Lauren Francis-Sharma will be the fall Libraries Transform Book Pick. You will be able to download it for free on Libby (Overdrive) or stop in now and borrow a physical copy of the book. A great historical fiction title that ‘explores the intertwined destinies of the Black and Native Americans who shaped the American West.’ And while we are out west take a look at Westering Women by Sandra Dallas for a celebration of sisterhood on the perilous overland trail of the 1850’s.

Greenwood by Michael Christie is a generational saga with a forest at the heart of the story. The Greenwood family fortune and luck rises and falls over the years but their Canadian forest is steadfast throughout.

Suspense isn’t hard when you can’t remember, and The Blaze by Chad Dundas capitalizes on that loss. Matthew returns home to Montana after a traumatic brain injury that wiped out most of his memories in Iraq to settle his father’s affairs and hopefully settle the past as well. A memory is sparked the first night back after seeing a house burn. Can he piece together his past and connect it to the present?

It is the year 2435 and NeoG is a millitary force patrolling and protecting space but how much has really changed? People are still people who want to win a competition, rescue those in danger, and arrest the bad guys. All that has changed is the locale in A Pale Light in the Black by K.B. Wagers, the first book of a highly anticipated series inspired by the real mission of the U.S. Coast Guard.

Viola Shipman writes beautiful stories of love, loss and hope. The Heirloom Garden explores an unlikely friendship between two very different women brought together by war and ‘bonded by hope, purpose and flowers.

I am looking forward to reading a contemporary re-telling of Little Women in Meg & Jo by Virginia Kantra. The story is set in North Carolina when the adult March sisters have to come together due to their mother’s illness and will need all the strength of family and sisterhood to remake their lives and dreams. I loved the March sisters and hope their characters remain lovable in this retelling.

I will end with a couple of Minnesota based non-fiction. Duluth: an urban biography by Tony Dierckins is a quick history of Duluth from its earliest days to the present. Who hasn’t seen the “My Pillow” commercials? The owner of the company, Mike Lindell is Minnesotan and has written a biography called What Are the Odds?

Join us Tuesday, August 4th from 4 – 7 pm on the library lawn for art and games.

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