International Falls Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes December 13, 2017

Present: Library Director Diane Adams, John Dalton, Ted Saxton, Darcy Sullivan, Lindsi Barnhart, Paul Nevanen, Dick Peterson

Ted Saxton called the meeting to order: 4:30 p.m.

Review of June meeting minutes. Dalton made a motion to approve the minutes, Sullivan seconded, motion approved.

Financial Report

The current bills were reviewed. Nevanen made a motion to pay the bills, Dalton seconded, motion carried. Peterson signed to pay the bills.

Director’s Report

Staff did a wonderful job of getting through being short-staffed! The library has awesome folks working for it and I am very proud of their dedication. Interviews are being held on Thursday and Friday to hire a new circulation associate. The carpet replacement went smoothly.     I received an email from Jim Weikum, ALS Director that the Koochiching County budget will include an increase in funding to ALS. We will not see an increase in our funding from the county. At this time I do not have any word from ALS as to whether or not we will continue to be billed for automation at a cost of $9,000/year or $750/month.

Old Business:

Beth Nelson, part-time youth services assistant was hired to fill the full-time circulation associate. We will work over the next month to revise job descriptions as she will continue to do storytime.

Both Ted Saxton and Paul Nevanen agreed to serve another three year term on the board. The city council should appoint them at their January 2 meeting.

New Business:

Pay raises for all staff were approved unanimously at 2.25% with Nevanen making the motion and Peterson seconded.

No more Friends of the Library booksales until we can get someone to coordinate finding people. Darcy and Ted thought Nora and Emma might be interested in hosting a sale.

Diane just finished Glass Houses by Louise Penny, John is reading Her Every Fear by Peter Swanson, Dick is on a Daniel Silva binge and is reading Prince of Fire, Paul is reading Lost City of the Monkey God by Douglas Preston, Ted continues reading non-fiction with Anti-Fragile by Nassim Nicholas Taleb and Why A students work for C students by Robert Kiyosaki. Darcy is reading Alice in Wonderland with her son and Lindsi is reading Azar Nafisi’s Things I’ve Been Silent About.

Next board meeting: January 10, 2018, 4:30 p.m.

Adjourned: 4:55 pm