Present: Library Director Diane Adams, John Dalton, Dick Peterson, Ted Saxton, Darcy Sullivan, Mary Jo Winkel, Lindsi Barnhart, Paul Nevanen
Ted Saxton called the meeting to order: 4:30 p.m.
Review of June meeting minutes. Dalton made a motion to approve the minutes, Peterson seconded, motion approved.
Financial Report
The current bills were reviewed. Nevanen made a motion to pay the bills, Dalton seconded, motion carried. Peterson signed to pay the bills.
Director’s Report
Circulation for June was better than May but quite a bit less than June 2016. We are holding onto a slim 1% increase over year to date 2016. Some people are doing the many ‘stealth’ activities we have out in the library this summer like board games, jigsaw puzzles, and STEAM activities. Building access to the New York Times has been activated. Remote access was added July 7 to our website. Old Business:
Upcoming programs include the sculpture unveiling on July 17th at 5:00 pm, trustees encouraged to be present. Mad Science on July 20th, teen painting on July 26th as well as storytime and tech club weekly. Briefly mentioned Anna Myer bequest, need to find a contractor to give us an estimate to convert an area on the main floor into a recording studio.
New Business: Ron Norby, County Commissioner is looking into the funding arrangement of library support, historically 2/3 to ALS, 1/3 to us. We can find evidence that the arrangement has been in place for over 30 years, but can’t find an agreement.
First draft of the budget was presented, (see attached). Fairly similar to 2017 budget, includes two grant requests. One to ARAC for the fourth seasonal sculpture and one to Knudson for junior room youth kits and programming.
Friends of the Library book sale, June 19, 1 – 3 pm
Dick is reading Private by James Patterson, Ted is reading several chess books, Darcy is focusing on folk songs and minstrels, Mary Jo read Song of Sampo Lake by William Durbin, Lindsi is still reading Martin Eden by Jack London, John is reading Wicked City by Beatriz Williams, Paul is reading North Water by Ian McGuire and Diane just finished Turn Left at the Cow by Lisa Bullard.
Next board meeting: August 9, 2017, 4:30 p.m.
Adjourned: 5:10 p.m.ou