New Items Added September 2022

Item Call Number Catalog Title Catalog Author
CD BOOK LAR No one goes alone Larson, Erik,
CD BOOK 363.325 ORE Killing the killers the secret war against terrorists / O’Reilly, Bill
PBK KIR Beneath the bending skies a novel / Kirkpatrick, Jane,
PBK LEW The orchard Lewis, Beverly,
PBK MAC Heartbreaker MacLean, Sarah
PBK NIX To the gates of hell Nix, David,
PBK ROS Mississippi!
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New Items Added in July 2022

Item Call Number Catalog Title Catalog Author
PBK BAR When stone wings fly Barnett, Karen,
PBK CON Inventions of the heart / Connealy, Mary
PBK PET The deadly shallows / Pettrey, Dani,
PBK HAR A remarkable rogue Harrington, Anna
PBK HEA The return of the duke Heath, Lorraine
PBK CAM Ascendant Campbell, Jack
PBK CAM Boundless Campbell, Jack
PBK CAM Lost fleet, beyond the frontier.
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New Items Added in June 2022

Item Call Number PAPERBACK Catalog Author
PBK FIS The sweet life Fisher, Suzanne Woods
PBK OKE Unfailing love Oke, Janette,
PBK WAR Sunburst Warren, Susan May,
PBK BER Buried in a good book Berry, Tamara,
THA Summer love : a novel Thayer, Nancy,
ARM A rip through time Armstrong, Kelley
BAR Local gone missing Barton, Fiona
BEL Ashton Hall a novel / Belfer, Lauren
BEN Tom Clancy zero hour / Bentley, Don
BER The omega factor Berry, Steve,
BER Under her care Berry, Lucinda
BRO Horse Brooks, Geraldine
BYR The gatekeeper Byrne, James
CAL The grand design a novel of Dorothy Draper / Callaway, Joy
CAN A proposal they can’t refuse Can̳a, Natalie,
CRO Cult classic Crosley, Sloane
DEA Hunting Time Deaver, Jeffery
DER Hurricane girl Dermansky, Marcy,
DOE The 13th hour a thriller / Doetsch, Richard
DOL Lost and found in Paris : a novel / Dolan, Lian
EVA Christmas Memory Evans, Richard Paul
FOW It all comes down to this Fowler, Therese,
GEN The woman in the library a novel / Gentill, Sulari
HAI Lady of bones / Haines, Carolyn
HIG Out of the clear blue sky Higgins, Kristan
HO Lucie Yi is not a romantic a novel / Ho, Lauren
HOL Flying solo a novel / Holmes, Linda
HUT Under fortunate stars Hutchings, Ren
JEN An island a novel / Jennings, Karen,
KAY All the seas of the world Kay, Guy Gavriel
MCK Murder most grave McKevett, G.
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