Present: Diane Adams, Library Director, Dick Peterson, Ted Saxton, MaryJo Winkel, John Dalton, Paul Nevanen, Darcy Sullivan and Ashley Kostiuk (via Internet)
Call to Order: Peterson called the meeting to order at 4:30 pm
Introductions were made of all to new board member Ashley Kostiuk.
Motion was made by Saxton, seconded by Nevanen to approve the September minutes. Approved.
Moved item 6.a.ii Anna Myer Bequest to before Financials so board could talk about the proposals we had received for scanners. Nevanen moved, Saxton seconded a motion to accept the proposal from Large Document Solutions in the amount of $27,000 to purchase a Book Eye 4 scanner using Myer Bequest funds. Approved.
Financial Report and Bills: Motion by Saxton, with second by Winkel to pay the bills. Approved. Dalton signed the bills.
Director’s Report – September circulation was down from August and slightly down from September 2019. We remain down 3% on the year to date. We had twelve enthusiastic participants at the Autumnal painting class, 18 at the music program and a dozen to hear author Allen Eskens. Five came to the recording studio open house, including a member of Anna Myer’s family. Publicity has begun for the “Library of Things: as most items have a basic record available. LinkedIn Learning has postponed moving libraries to the new site (from Lynda) as many libraries pushed back at making people create a LinkedIn account. So we will be creating our own publicity promoting that. We had held off as we were going to be moving sites shortly after we got connected and they would help with publicity.
Upcoming programs: This Saturday, Oct. 14 – Comic Book Character workshop from 10:30 – 12:30, grades 5 – adult. Saturday, October 28th 10:30 – noon, leather bracelet workshop. Storytime Thursday mornings at 10:30, Libratory Wednesday afternoons 3 – 4:30
KTI – Next round of grants now taking applications. Still working on first round, so not planning on applying. Adams has had several conversations with James Yount about options and ideas.
Donations: Peterson moved and Dalton seconded to accept $10 donation from Darrel Schmidt in memory of Paul Turenne.
New Business: none
Next Friends of the Library sale – Thursday, October 17th 11am – 1pm
What are you reading? – John is just starting The Duchess by Danielle Steel, Dick finished up The Bitterroots by C J Box and has been reading Diary of a Wimpy Kid with his grandkids. Pual finished The Russian by Ben Coes and is now focusing on the City of International Falls Comprehensive Plan. Ted is finishing up his second Don Ness book and using Bobbi Fisher Teaches Chess with his son. Darcy is reading Four Souls by Louise Erdrich and filming lots of football games, while MaryJo finished Becoming by Michelle Obama, Ashley read House Rules by Jodi Picoult and has started the new Ellen Hart Twisted at the Root and Diane is reading Culture Code: the secrets of highly successful groups by Daniel Coyle and Oh Rats! by Tor Seidler for fun.
The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 13th at 4:30 pm.
Meeting adjourned at 5:15 pm.