Present: Library Director Diane Adams, John Dalton, Dick Peterson, Ted Saxton, Darcy Sullivan, Mary Jo Winkel, Lindsi Barnhart
Ted Saxton called the meeting to order: 4:30 p.m.
Review of January meeting minutes. Dalton made a motion to approve the minutes, Peterson seconded, motion approved.
Financial Report
The current bills were reviewed. Winkel made a motion to pay the bills, Sullivan seconded, motion carried. Peterson signed to pay the bills.
Director’s Report
April circulation was lousy, we are at the exact same cumulative total for year to date as 2016. Good attendance at the watercolor workshop and delighted children with the May the Fourth Be With You party, with plans to expand next year.
Old Business:
Summer reading preparations are underway with a theme of “Reading by Design” to begin June 1. Class visits will happen the week of May 15th. We are one of the lucky libraries to receive a visit from author William Durbin on June 20th.
Further research has shown that we can get a charging station for much less than the company we’d been working with. We will pursue other options.
New Business:
Annual Action plan was examined and discussed. Motion by Peterson with second by Dalton, motion approved to accept the action plan as presented.
Director performance review was held. Review in file.
Friends of the Library book sale, Saturday, May 20, 11 – 1 pm.
Dick is reading The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, John is reading The Last Juror by John Grisham, Lindsi is reading Until Thy Wrath Be Past by Asa Larsson, MaryJo is reading Little Bee by Chris Cleave, Darcy is reading The Keillor Reader by Garrison Keillor and then The Orphan’s Tale and Ted sadly is reading nothing.
Next board meeting: June 14, 2017, 4:30 p.m.
Adjourned: 5:55 p.m.ou